Talk to one of our friendly staff today...
PHONE (07) 386 7967
FAX (07) 386 0169
EMAIL [email protected]
POSTAL 100 Rawhira Road, Waitetoko, RD 2, Turangi 3382
For any questions surrounding Kids Camps or Leadership contact: [email protected]
Addresses of the MiCamp sites:
MiCamp Taupo & Office Location: 100 Rawhira Road, Waitetoko, Lake Taupo, State Highway 1, New Zealand
MiCamp Whakamaru: 1105 Ongaroto Road, RD1, Atiamuri 3078
MiCamp Ruapehu: 44 Mill Street, Owhango 3989
FAX (07) 386 0169
EMAIL [email protected]
POSTAL 100 Rawhira Road, Waitetoko, RD 2, Turangi 3382
For any questions surrounding Kids Camps or Leadership contact: [email protected]
Addresses of the MiCamp sites:
MiCamp Taupo & Office Location: 100 Rawhira Road, Waitetoko, Lake Taupo, State Highway 1, New Zealand
MiCamp Whakamaru: 1105 Ongaroto Road, RD1, Atiamuri 3078
MiCamp Ruapehu: 44 Mill Street, Owhango 3989
Please let us know in the details section which Micamp site (Taupo/Whakamaru/Ruapehu) you are inquiring about